Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Semi-Quarter Life Crisis

Holy poops this blog has gotten personal, but I suppose that's the purpose of this thing. It's definitely a great way to vent and re-evaluate my emotions. Possibly learn how to communicate? Perhaps.

Realizations are coming my way, and it makes me content, yet incredibly embarrassed of how much of a late bloomer I am.

When Mark and I were together, the only way I really knew how to communicate was through a blog that only he knew about. Kind of pathetic, huh? One of my older sister's best friends had broken up with her boyfriend, and she had told me the only way he knew how to communicate was through a blog as well. At first listen, I scoffed and laughed at him, and I recall blatantly saying "that's not right, or normal". But, only now I realize, I did the exact same thing. Words are still difficult for me. I don't understand verbal communication, mostly, I think because I lack the confidence to articulate my own thoughts and emotions. I'm like a cat, it takes me a while to warm up to people, unless I'm severely inebriated then everyone is my bestie.

Also, title and post content correlation do not exist in this blog. I'll tell you about my life later. Right now I'm about to head to work, wheeee~